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Regardless of if your loved one has had funeral or cremation services in Plymouth, MI, in both cases, they can be buried in a cemetery. Similar to a memorial service, cemeteries have their own set of etiquette and rules they would like visitors to follow. Understanding these can help make the experience more rewarding for everyone, so here are a few pieces of etiquette to follow.
When visiting the grave site, you want to be sure to use quiet voices while you are on the cemetery property. This is because cemeteries are seen as a resting place, and other individuals may be visiting loved ones, so you want to refrain from using any boisterous laughter or loud talking and keep your conversations in a more subtle tone.
Pets can be considered part of the family; if you want to bring them along, be sure to have them on a leash. This is not only out of respect for other visitors, but animals can disturb the graves in various ways.
If there are other individuals at the property visiting sites, it is encouraged to be friendly, but you want to refrain from starting conversations and making small talk with them. This is because you don't know the situation, and the individual could be in deep grief and not want to interact with anyone else.
Most cemeteries will have specific paths people are encouraged to follow, so it is recommended to stay on these and avoid walking over anyone's grave. This is seen as a disrespectful action because the tomb is an individual's final resting place.
Cemeteries are not unlike public parks, where they have set rules and regulations to follow. These are in place to help keep the property in good condition and functioning correctly, and a few of the most common ones are:
The last rule of etiquette involves not touching the headstone. This can be seen as disrespectful, and in some situations, this can cause damage to the gravestone, especially if the material is older. So, try to maintain distance, especially if you want more information about what's written on the marker.
Visiting a cemetery comes with many different considerations, and if you have any questions about the rules, you can contact the property directly for more information. Honoring your loved one is crucial, and this can be done through the cremation services in Plymouth, MI, by working with a professional company, and we are here for you. Our team works hard to provide exceptional services based on care and compassionate support for our clients, so contact us today.