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An effective plan is crucial because it helps make the experience easier for your loved ones. Working with one of the funeral homes in Plymouth, MI, can help you create the desired services, but what about the estate portion? Having an estate plan in place decreases the stress level of everyone involved, so here are some steps to help get you started.
The first step is to complete a full inventory of any assets. This can include personal items like vehicles, tools, laptops, and any other items that need to be given to a recipient at the dispersal. It is also recommended to add names to the list of who is receiving the item as you write them down because this can help you save time.
Debts are another concern that needs to be addressed, so creating a complete list of any remaining money owed is crucial. Mortgages, auto loans, personal debts, or lines of credit need to be included. It can be helpful to add where the agreements are located, the account numbers, and any contact information for the associated companies.
If you have any IRAs or 401ks, these will need to be updated with current information, including contact and distribution information. Be helpful to list the customer service or plan administrator's information with the documentation for the beneficiaries.
You will need a responsible executor or a state administrator because this individual will distribute the funding for the heirs. Be sure to pick someone who can make logical instead of emotion-based decisions because this can prevent issues between beneficiaries. You can also hire an outside individual qualified and trained in this practice to ensure a smoother transition.
Having a wheel in place is also crucial because this works as a document detailing how the assets need to be distributed and if any list is requested that needs to be upheld at the services. It allows naming a guardian for children and pets and can include information about charitable organizations to which money needs to be distributed. Typically, the estate plan can be completed for less than $1000, and it can be helpful to work with an estate planning attorney to ensure all documentation is completed legally.
Estate planning does more than ensure your assets get to the right individuals; it reduces the stress level and makes the entire process easier for family and friends. And whether you or someone you know needs help with free planning for services, we are here to support you.
Our company has grown as a trusted source of care through the years and is one of the locally owned funeral homes in Plymouth, MI. We offer exceptional services and compassionate care so call us today if you have any questions.