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Once an individual has passed away and the cremation services in Plymouth Township, MI, are finalized, traditionally, the individual's remains would be placed in an urn to be kept with a friend or family member. But there are some situations where the deceased may have requested to be buried or scattered after the process was completed, so here are just a few suggestions on ways to help them fulfill their wish.
If you have ever been to a cemetery, you may have noticed different structures around the property, one may be a mausoleum used for housing caskets, and another called a columbarium that is for individuals who are cremated. These structures are designed with niches that are specific spaces for the urn of the deceased. The exterior will typically have a personalized plaque to identify the loved one, and the prices will vary depending on the location.
With most community properties, the locations will hold an urn garden which is another designated area in the cemetery for cremated remains. In some cases, the gardens are landscaped areas that allow the urns to be placed amongst the natural setting.
Cemeteries also have plots available for purchase, the same as a traditional burial site. In most cases, because the urn size is so much smaller, the plot can be beneficial because multiple urns can be buried into the same space, making it an option for numerous family members. The price will vary on plots depending on location and placement on the property, so check with a provider of your choice.
If the individual had a piece of property or one that a friend or family member had adored, this could be another option as a burial site. There are no regulations on burying cremated remains in most states, so it can be a great option if there is a designated area they requested to be laid to rest.
The individual may have had a specific location they requested to be buried, and if this is in a national park, this may not be an option in most cases. On the other hand, scattering may be something that can be done in most places, but because there are regulations in each state, you will want to check with the local agencies to confirm this.
As you can see, there are multiple ways to bury a loved one after the cremation, and the primary concern is ensuring that the loved one's wishes are fulfilled. There is no doubt that whether traditional burial or cremation services in Plymouth Township, MI, are being chosen, you need a company that can help you through the process.
We offer the highest level of compassionate care on the market and would love to help you through the process steps from beginning to end. We are here to help, so contact us today if you are needing to schedule an appointment or have any questions.