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Funeral homes in Canton Township, MI, are an excellent resource to help you create a memorable event for your loved one, and the viewing can be seen as an essential ritual for the family to hold. It offers an opportunity to see the deceased before they're laid to rest, so let's look at a few tips on creating a meaningful one.
If a viewing has been scheduled, a cosmetologist will prepare the body. Typically, the deceased will be embalmed to help preserve their body for a longer state; the cosmetologist will then apply makeup, do their hair, and dress the individual, so they look as close to what they did alive as possible. The viewing is an opportunity for friends and family to pay their last respects to the deceased, and it offers an opportunity for others to offer their condolences to the bereaved.
Viewings are not the same as a funeral because they tend to be less formal, and they often have food and drinks with no set time frame on when attendees arrive and leave. The event will typically occur before the funeral and generally at a funeral home.
If you need to plan a viewing, here are some key details to consider:
If you have been invited to a viewing, there are some rules and protocols to follow:
The open casket is usually in place for individuals to be able to see the deceased; it can help them with their grief because it solidifies the loss. However, if you are uncomfortable with this, you are not required to view the body, and if you choose to don't linger for an extended time at the casket, simply say your final farewells and continue on.
Viewings can offer a sense of closure for individuals, and they're an essential part of grief rituals for some families. Planning a memorable one is easier with the proper support, and if you're looking for funeral homes in Canton Township, MI, we have been serving our community for over 117 years. We offer the highest level of compassionate care and will help to honor your loved one's legacy, so if you need to schedule an appointment, contact us today for more information.