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If you have no experience planning a burial service or setting up cremation Services in Plymouth, MI, you might wonder what your choices are. Considering what kind of an individual your loved one was might leave you questioning if your choice is the right one. With all the options available on the market now, individuals are more apt to find a service appropriate for them and stay within their budget. Here are some non-traditional options to choose from.
What are the Various Choices?
Water Burial
A water ceremony is utilized to scatter the remains of the loved one on a body of water. The ashes can be spread with cremation or options for our entire body disposal, depending on your location. There are specific regulations from the EPA that need to be followed, so if you are choosing this function, check with your local laws.
A subsidiary of this would be taking the individual's ashes and mixing them into eco-friendly concrete. This concrete is then formed into a reef structure and can be placed in the water to become a home for the ocean life there.
Space Burial
An alternative method that is becoming more popular is to have your or the deceased's remains transported into space at an affordable price. You can find these alternatives online and look for companies that offer private services.
You may want to keep your loved one with you wherever you go to. One popular option is to turn the ashes into a memorial diamond. This alternative is grown in a lab after being combined with your loved one's cremated remains.
This is an ideal option for the individual who appreciated glass art. The concept has been adopted by glassblowing companies and is now offering the opportunity to make sure loved one's ashes to create a piece of art to place on display.
Putting your loved one's ashes into fireworks has become a way to have an end-of-life celebration. The remains are placed into rockets that can be set off at the end of the ceremony.
Tree Pod
For the ecofriendly individual, there is a burial pod. This option incorporates ashes into the base that supports the growth of a tree. In addition, you can also find urns that are biodegradable and can be placed in the water. These will break down in between 15 or 20 minutes to allow your loved one to be scattered in the ocean.
How do you Make the Right Choice?
As you can see, there are several alternative options to choose from to help create an end-of-life memorial service that will reflect your loved one's uniqueness. Schrader-Howell Funeral Home wants to make your experience more manageable when looking for cremation Services in Plymouth, MI. Our expert staff understands the steps that need to be taken to create a memorial service that honors the memory of your loved one. We are here to help, so give us a call today for all your end-of-life event planning.